


"Constant improvement".  "there is no end to self improvement" . " self-discipline is just like processing bone
tools, they shall be ground and polished besides cutting; the same applies to jade making, requiring repeated
grinding; there is no end for keeping improvement.". We shall place "constant improvement" through the
whole process of work and service, aimed at achieving much better and more refined work.              .

"Pursuing for excellence" . Excellence not only means distinction, but also the best among distinctions.
Excellence is a kind of pursuit and lies in giving play to own advantages, capability and all resources
available to the maximum extent. The service is endless. HONGLI staff will take supreme perfection of work
and service as working direction and take "constant improvement and pursuing for excellence" as own
quality guidelines.   

CopyRight © 2015 Zhejiang HongLi Group Co., Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

